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wigmore hall is doing a series of late concerts this summer and one one them was a treat last night. i went to see paco pena – THE man to see if you get on the flamenco guitar playing. it was an hour long passionate performance of man who had his first solo gig back in the 60’s at the very same venue.

the recital included performances of the two artists that paco worked with for a number of years: singer el chaparro, a life long friend of paco’s and rafael montilla, the son of chaparro, a guitarist who has been a member of paco’s company for the last 10 years.

the programme consisted of some of paco’s compositions and musical references to some great masters of the guitar like ramon montoya sabicas/ nino ricardo; duet guitar and wonderful earthy singing from el chaparro.

the performance was very moving and to watch the man and a guitar in their own little world was quite mesmerising. if it wasn’t wigmore hall, i guess i would have been very much clapping along but the venue and the audience was somewhat calm and composed – i guess we are talking about british people here – they don’t get carried away easily 😉